Partner Management
Manage your club's membership fees with AvaiBook Sports in the simplest way you can imagine.
Manage any payment of your club members (clothing and / or merchandising orders, activities, dinners...)

If you have your own website ...
You can integrate our system into it: it is multi-language and 100% adaptable to mobile devices and the content of your page.

And if you don't have it ...
We provide you with a web page for each of the payment forms where you can add all the information about your club, as well as news, images, videos, sponsors and collaborators ... whatever you want!

If you need it, you can make refunds of any payment at any time, or even ask us to return all the money that has been received in a payment form, in the case, for example, that an activity is not carried out. We do it for you!

And also...

Activate Pro License on your user so that the whole application runs on your own URLs and the “Look & Feel” of your timing company.

Assign the numbers manually or automatically by the system itself. Then, send an email with the assigned number and the day of collection. And if you want, you can use AvaiBook Sports BibApp to make delivery much easier and faster, without waiting!

Publish the classifications of the event by importing the results from an Excel and upload a PDF with all the details. Your participants can see the results by filtering by name, surname, category, club ...
Do you need something else to decide?