This text has been in effect from Monday, October 24, 2022 to Friday, December 1, 2023

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Below, we summarize the most important thing you should know about the processing of your personal data by AvaiBook:

Short version in case you're short on time:

AvaiBook is responsible for the processing of personal data you provide to us to deliver the service you signed up for with the entity you represent.

We will need to process your data based on the legitimate interest of your company and AvaiBook to maintain the contractual relationship that we agree on for the provision of services.

You can at any time access, rectify or delete your data, as well as exercise other rights (we will explain it to you later).

It is important that you know:

We always recommend that you read this complete Privacy Policy to be able to know, in detail, what data we use for each service you request and how long we need to keep it.

In addition, this Privacy Policy may be changed by unilateral decision of AvaiBook, so we recommend that you consult it regularly.

By clicking on the "REGISTRATION" button or equivalent, we will ask you to declare that you are aware of the processing of your personal data, accepting this Privacy Policy.

Detailed information on data protection


1. Responsible for the treatment: who is responsible for the treatment of your data?

AvaiBook on-line S.L.U., with address at c/ Bari 31, Ed. Technocenter Alpha office. 002. 50197 Zaragoza (SPAIN), identified with VAT nº B-99279622, and telephone +34976730426 ("AvaiBook") is responsible for the processing of personal data processed through this website and its subdomains or through any of our tools or applications (“Website and Apps”).

In the following clauses we provide you with information about the rights that assist you, as well as the use that we will make of your personal data, when you browse our Website and Apps or if you sign up the services of AvaiBook on behalf of a company ("Customer") ; this under the European General Data Protection Regulation ("RGPD") and Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and guarantee of digital rights ("LOPDGDD").

If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data, contact us at the following address: Or you can contact our Data Protection Delegate through the following

2. Category of data: what personal data will we use?

As we are going to inform you below, when you use our Website and Apps we will use different types of information and personal data. Since we are not always going to use all your data for all purposes, throughout this document we are going to explain the type of personal information that we will use in each case.

Category of personal data that we will use:

  • Identification data: name and surnames, identity document (National ID Card/Passport), signature (handwritten or electronic), identification as user and password.
  • Contact information: telephone number, contact email and address for contact purposes.
  • Data related to legal representation: documents that prove the representation of the company, in the case of the representatives of the Clients (legal person).
  • Interaction and navigation information: interaction and navigation through the Website and Apps, and IP address.

3. Purposes of treatment and legitimacy: for what and what is the legal basis that allow us to treat your data?

At AvaiBook we will treat your data for the following purposes:

3.A) For legitimate interest of AvaiBook

  • If you are a representative of a company that wants to hire our services, We will treat your data for the following purposes: (i) registration on the Website and Apps; ( ii ) management and billing of the services that you request from us on behalf of the company you represent, related to the contracting of our technological solutions ( platform for the management of sporting events ) ; ( iii ) attention to complaints or queries about invoices or signed up services; ( iv ) management of the termination and termination of the contractual relationship. For this we will use your identification and contact data and the services that are signed up (and information that particularly affects legal entity Clients).

    Likewise, as part of the provision of the services, which you have signed up as a representative of an entity, from AvaiBook we will also send transactional communications related to the operation of the signed up services (these communications will be related to the provision of the service itself, the management and solution of possible technical incidents, notifications in case of modification of the contracting conditions or for the management of any possible claim that you need to formulate about the contracting of the services). For this particular purpose we will use your identification and contact data to communicate with you by phone, SMS, or email (in the event that you have provided any of these data). We will make these treatments based on the legitimate interest of AvaiBook and the company you represent, for the sole purpose of managing the contractual relationship we have with you as a Customer. In accordance with the GDPR, we have done what is known as a “weighting test”. This is an internal analysis to confirm that our legitimate interest does not prejudice the interests of data subjects in the protection of their personal data. As a conclusion of that test, we understand that the legitimate interest of AvaiBook prevails due to the reciprocal interest that exists between us and the company you represent in ensuring the correct representation and interrelation with a legal person, in order to be able to properly manage the contractual relationship with it. . In addition, article 19 of the LOPDGDD allows this treatment.
  • Sending personalized promotional communications about products like those signed up by the Clients and carrying out quality surveys: we will send personalized promotional communications about AvaiBook's own products and services, which are related to those that the Customer has initially signed up. We will also carry out quality surveys on the services signed up with AvaiBook, to receive an assessment and improve our services.

    In this case, we have also carried out a weighing test and, in conclusion, we understand that our interest prevails in carrying out this treatment in order to (i) be able to maintain the relationship with the Clients by contracting new products; ( ii ) know the valuation regarding the services provided; and ( iii ) make the appropriate improvements in relation to the suggestions received about the signed up services.

    Due to the foregoing, we understand that we have a legitimate interest that does not affect privacy, since for this treatment only data that the Customer has provided us, or that have been generated in the contractual relationship (discarding those obtained from external sources) will be used.

    We will process identification and contact data, together with information related to the services signed up by the Customer.

3.B) Compliance with legal obligations

What data do we process?

Your identification and contact data and any others that we have and that an authority requires.

For what purpose?

To comply with the different legal obligations that are required of us and if requested by any Court or Tribunal, the State Security Forces or Corps or any other competent Public Authority or Administration.

3.C) By express consent that you provide us

If you expressly consent, we will process your data for the following purposes:

  • Sending personalized commercial communications about AvaiBook products, but different from those signed up, we may contact you by phone, SMS or email (in the event that you have provided any of these data), to send you commercial communications that you have accepted and , in particular, on AvaiBook products and services other than those you have initially signed up. Said communications will be adapted to the profile of each Customer and their needs, in accordance with the information that we have in our files and internal sources (we refer to information that we obtain directly from the Customer, that is, without consulting any file or database managed by a third party, such as information about the signed up services or navigation data based on the accepted cookies). For sending communications we will also use identification and contact data.
  • In general, even if you are not a Customer, we will attend to the queries, complaints or claims that you can send us through the forms and/or email address that we make available to you on the Website and Apps, in which case we will use your identification data and contact.

4. Recipients: who can we communicate them to?

Your data will not be transferred to third parties, unless it is necessary to comply with a legal requirement or if expressly requested by Courts, Tribunals or Public Administrations, as we have indicated.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, we inform you that AvaiBook service providers who oversee processing may have access to your data, including those who provide us with technology or delivery services, receipt of documentation and support tools to measure the operation of the Website and Apps. These data processors will only access your information following AvaiBook instructions.

You can request more information about the recipients of your data by sending an email to the address, indicating the specific treatment or use about whose recipients you would like more information.

5. Data communication, where can we send your data?

Exceptionally, some of the AvaiBook service providers referred to in the previous section may process your data in countries located outside the European Economic Area (" EEA ").

In any case, whenever we transfer personal data internationally, we will ensure that:

  1. The transfer of data complies with applicable law, and
  2. your data maintains the same level of protection as in the EEA.

For this purpose, we will only use suppliers that: (i) are located in a country or territory that has been declared an adequate level of protection by the European Commission; or ( ii ) provide us with adequate safeguards, such as standard contractual clauses or an equivalent legal tool, that are sufficient to ensure that the third party protects your data and provides you with rights and protections equal to those in the EEA. The foregoing without prejudice to the fact that we can also apply technical protections, such as encryption and pseudonymization of your data, as the case may be.

6. Data retention period, how long are we going to process your data?

Depending on each of the treatment purposes that we make of your data, the term will be:

  • If you are a representative of a Customer, during the contractual relationship with the entity you represent or until you notify us of your termination as contact person (section 3.A above).
  • Until you revoke your consent (applicable to the treatments indicated in section 3.D), protected by the express consent provided.
  • Until you request its deletion, in the legally permitted cases (applies to all the purposes described in section 3).

We inform you that your data will be kept blocked at the end of the treatment to which they are intended and during the legal prescription periods of obligations (maximum 6 years) defined for each purpose of the treatment, indicated in section 3.

7. Necessary and updated information

All the fields that appear marked with an asterisk (*) in the forms that are provided to you will be mandatory, in such a way that the omission of any of them could make it impossible for the requested services to be provided. Likewise, by " clicking " on the "REGISTRATION" button (or equivalent) incorporated in the forms, you declare that the information and data that you have provided in them are exact and true. In order to allow that the information you provide is always up-to-date and error-free, you should notify us as soon as possible of changes and corrections to your personal information through the following e-mail You can also update your account information through your private area of the web page.

8. Rights of the interested parties

We inform you that you can exercise the following rights:

  • Right of access to your personal data to know which ones are being processed and the processing operations carried out with them.
  • Right to rectify any inaccurate or incomplete personal data.
  • Right to delete your personal data, when this is possible (without prejudice to the cases in which we must keep them blocked by legal imperative)
  • Right to request the limitation of the processing of your personal data when the accuracy, legality or necessity of data processing is in doubt, in which case, we may keep them blocked for the exercise or defense of claims.
  • Right to oppose the processing of your personal data, when the legal basis that enables us to process it is our legitimate interest. AvaiBook will stop processing your data unless it has compelling legitimate reasons, or it is necessary to defend claims.
  • Right to the portability of your data, which allows you to request the communication of your personal data to another company, in a structured, commonly used and mechanically readable format, when the legal basis that enables us to process it is the existence of a contractual relationship or your consent, and if the processing of your data is carried out by automated means.
  • Right to revoke the consent given to AvaiBook at any time.
  • Right not to be subject to automated individual decisions. This right allows you not to be the subject of a decision based solely on the automated processing of your personal data that, therefore, has legal effects that affect you.

You can exercise your rights at any time and free of charge by sending an email to the right you wish to exercise and your identification data.

On the other hand, we inform you that you have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you consider that an infringement of data protection legislation has been committed regarding the processing of your personal data.

9. Confidentiality and security

AvaiBook uses all reasonable efforts to maintain the confidentiality of the personal information that is processed through this tool. AvaiBook maintains strict levels of security to protect the personal data it processes against accidental loss and unauthorized access, processing or disclosure, taking into account the state of the technology, the nature and the risks to which the data is exposed. However, we cannot be held responsible for the use you make of the data (including username and password) that you use in AvaiBook outside of our tool, Website or Apps.

10. Additional information: App “AvaiBook Sports LIVE” and use of online identifiers or cookies

10.A) “AvaiBook Sports LIVE”

App For events held with the "AvaiBook Sports LIVE" App, keep the following in mind:

  • Location Permissions: This application collects Location Information, to track an athlete's route in the Race, so that it can be consulted by the athlete, as well as the organizers of the event, even when the application is closed or is not being used.
  • Camera permission: this App requires the camera permission if the athlete is interested in uploading a photo to the gallery.

10.B) Use of online identifiers or cookies

In the provision of our services, we will use third-party software and/or services to collect information while you browse or interact with the content of our Website and Apps, as well as information about the device you use. The main purpose of collecting the information generated by cookies is to better understand how you use and interact with the Website and Apps to improve your experience while using our services and to identify possible errors in the implementation of our Website and Apps. The information collected includes, among others:

  • The IP address of your device.
  • The screen size of the device you use.
  • Device type (unique device identifier) and information about the browser.
  • Geographic location.
  • Favorite language used to display on our website.
  • Visited pages.
  • Date and time in which the pages have been visited.

More information about passively collected information in our Cookies Policy.